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11 Tips for Successful Online Therapy Sessions

Technical Tips

  • Limit internet usage during the video session- Close all web pages or systems that may be using the internet in the background. Keep in mind this means everyone in the household not just your personal computer. If you have children or a partner who is liable to forget, you may want to change the WIFI password during the scheduled session.
  • Make sure updates or restarts are not scheduled to run during session time.
  • Make sure you know how to use your microphone and webcam before the 1st online session- You can set up a free Skype account to get used to using your equipment and to become more comfortable with video conferencing.
  • Consider using a headset with a built-in microphone- If you are experiencing annoy sound feedback or having issues being heard, using a headset can improve the quality of your communication.
  • Be familiar with the plan in case of technical difficulties during your session. For example, in my practice, I ask my client to have their phones with them, so I will be able to call them if we are disconnected. I suggest that we both log out of the video conferencing session and then attempt to start again. If we are unable to reconnect within 10 minutes, I offer to complete the session over the phone or reschedule as needed.

Tips to Improve the Quality of Your Session

  • Be sure you have an area set up that is free of distractions and private- During any therapy session, you need to be able to focus on yourself and not to have to worry about censoring what you are saying because of children or family members who may be listening.
  • If you are using your phone or tablet for the video conferencing, make sure you are using the stand or holder. It would be very uncomfortable to have to hold your device in one set position for 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Make sure you can be easily seen on the screen. Since body language is such an important part of communication, it is very beneficial for your therapist to be able to see your facial expressions and body posture easily. Try spacing your webcam at a great enough distance that your upper body can be seen. The ideal view would be similar to what you would see while sitting across the dinner table from someone versus only a large close up of their face.
  • Be signed in and ready to start 5 minutes before the session’s start time. You never want to start a therapy session off in a rushed and scattered mindset. Being ready a few minutes before your session gives you a chance to start in a more relaxed mindset so that you can make the most of your session time. This also gives you a chance to reflect before the session to gather any important thoughts or questions you may want to share in session.
  • Have your notepad and therapy folder ready. I always suggest my clients have a notepad handy for taking notes during the session and have a folder where they can keep all their therapeutic materials. Also, be sure to check your email for any handouts that your therapist may have sent for that day’s session and already have them printed or pulled on your screen if possible.
  • Block off time after your session for reflection. The more time you spend thinking about your session and how you can apply it to your life the better outcome you can expect. Spending time reflecting helps you to remember the helpful parts of your session easier and may help you come up with new insights as well.