This page is designed to help you visualize your first in office session so that your experience will be as comfortable as possible. If your first session will be online, please visit the Online Services page.
My office is located in the old Coca-Cola building on 410 East Taylor St in Griffin GA, and there is ample parking at the rear of the building. Once you enter the building, you will see a small waiting room to the left and my door (L-3) only a few feet away. You can be seated in the waiting room, and I will come and invite you in once it is time for your appointment to begin. If you arrive a few minutes late for your appointment, please knock on my door, so I will know that you have arrived.
After we have you settled in the room, I will briefly review the Informed Consent form as this must be done before we began any therapeutic work. After we have reviewed the Informed Consent, we can start discussing your therapy goals and any points from your intake background form that you would like covered in more detail. I will take notes and ask questions to make sure that I truly understand what you are seeking help with and what is going to be the most beneficial. Towards the end of the session, I will offer my recommendations and a basic treatment outline for our future sessions. However, the treatment plan is meant to be very flexible and can be changed as needed to fit your needs better. In the last few minutes of the session, we will handle the session payment and schedule your next appointment.
I know the process of starting therapy can seem very intimidating at first, but I hope this little walkthrough will help you to feel a bit more comfortable. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me through my Contact Information page.
If you would like a free 10-15 min phone consultation, please visit the Request an Appointment page.
If you are ready for the next step and would like to learn more about the process of starting therapy services, please visit the Request an Appointment page.