If you are in crisis, contact one of the following 24/7 crisis options or go to your local ER:
1-800-715-4225 Georgia Crisis & Access Line (GCAL)
1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Lifeline- https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Text “Home” to 741741 National Crisis Text Line- https://www.crisistextline.org/
Call 911
My practice is unable to offer crisis services and would not be a good fit for anyone who feels they may be needing crisis treatment. If at any point during our work together it becomes apparent that you are needing a higher level of service, I will provide a referral list for better fitting services.
The problem with accepting insurance for mental health is that you must be diagnosed as mentally ill for the services to be considered medically necessary and the insurance then has the power over the treatment. The insurance company decides how long the sessions can be, how many sessions you are allowed, what issues can be addressed, and what treatments can be used.
Personally, I believe mental health diagnoses are an attempt to oversimplify the rich complexity of our emotional experiences and can pathologize the normal human reaction to having to live in an often negative and at times hostile world. You will only receive a diagnosis if it is truly needed. By not having to work from a mentally ill framework, I am free to collaborate with my clients to explore the true root of the suffering, create a custom treatment that best fits their personal needs, and generates a therapeutic atmosphere that is free of shame and judgment.
I accept cash, checks, and major debit/credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover card. All cards are processed through Stripe.