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What is anxiety?

Experiencing some anxiety is a normal part of the human experience. Everyone can feel a bit anxious or worried at times, such as before major life changes or stressful events. However, if the worry is uncontrollable, unrealistic, and negatively impacting your life, it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. If we have a disorder, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), we may experience anxiety more often or intensely than others.

While most think of anxiety as just a thought disorder, it also strongly affects the body. Especially if anxiety is repressed in the mind, it can start to surface throughout the body in the form of headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, nausea, racing heart, heart palpitations, hot flashes, cold sweats, and fatigue. This is why “toughing it out” or “mind over matter” is not the most effective, even for those with the strongest willpower.

How can therapy help?

I offer an array of options for treating anxiety, ranging from traditional therapy models, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), to more holistic practices involving breathwork and meditation.  My treatment is also informed by newer models, such as trauma-informed care and polyvagal theory, which address how unmet safety needs affect our default thought patterns and bodily responses in relation to anxiety.

Learn how to:

  • Identify and correct anxious thought patterns
  • Learn to interrupt panic attacks and the fight-or-flight response
  • Address basic self-care issues that may leave you more vulnerable to anxiety
  • Distinguish between anxiety and unmet sensory needs
  • Use basic breathwork practices to calm the mind and body
  • Use mindfulness practices to become more aware of anxious thinking patterns and bodily signs of anxiety
  • Use meditation to calm the body and create more positive states of mind
  • Handle issues associated with anxiety, such as problems with sleep, social interaction, and decision-making

During our sessions, we will explore your personal experience with anxiety, the root causes of any disproportional anxiety reactions, and create coping plans. I will provide psychoeducation to answer any questions you may have about anxiety. We will discuss how your thoughts and habits can either increase or decrease your overall anxiety level. Together, we will create a game plan to change how anxiety affects your life.


If you are ready to start taking control of your anxiety today, visit the Request an Appointment page to request an appointment or to set up a free consultation call.

Check out the Lies Anxiety Tells blog article to learn more about how common anxious thought patterns can be misleading. 

Useful Resources:
